Where to buy Christmas decorations in Vancouver, Canada
A list of the best stores for where to buy Christmas decorations in Vancouver, Canada, and what each one is particularly good for.
Our Canadian engagement party
The details of our Vintage Glam engagement party in Vancouver, Canada including how we created the theme, the specifics of our dress code, the vendors we hired all of our personal finishing touches.
PFH 5 favourites: May 2022
My 5 favourites for May include regrowing food from scraps, my recipe for an iced caramel macchiato & how to save money on photo frames.
Simple vegan sugar cookies recipe
A recipe for baking delicious and simple vegan sugar cookies that can be made. These vegan sugar cookies are the perfect sweet biscuits for parties, bakesales, Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
10 accessories to transform a simple outfit
10 accessories to create many looks with one dress to stop you overpacking and consuming fast fashion.
Great British desserts every traveller must try
11 of Great Britain’s favourite desserts that every traveller visiting Great Britain must try.
What’s in my travel bag (updated)
Take a look at everything that I travel with in my carry-on bag and why.
PFH Rio de Janeiro mix tape playlist
Look no further, your perfect Brazilian playlist is right here.
PFH’s 10 Best Instagram spots in L.A.
PFH’s favourite spots to get the best shots for Instagram across L.A.
7 tips for buying your best suitcase
My top 7 tips to consider when buying your best suitcase featuring an overview of my most trusted suitcase brands and products.